[GA] How BEST is managed internationally..
At the moment the biggest decision making event in BEST is taking place in Budapest in Hungary. This event is called GA, or General Assembly. This means that two delegates from each LBG and delegates from committees, the board, partner organisations and other invited people are gathering and making up the future for BEST, as well as voting on important decisions. Each full member LBG has one vote and the voting sessions take place on the last day of GA.
GA is also where the international board of BEST is being elected and this year we have one guy from the Nordic countries running for a place in the board - Paal from Trondheim. :)
If you are interested in checking out what they actually do in Budapest this week, you can follow the plenary at a live stream using your VLC-player. Just type in the adress mms://best.sch.bme.hu/plenary and see what "hot" topic they are discussing at the moment.. :P Otherwise you can always try to spot our delegates from Lund - Patrik and Mia. On the picture below you can see Patrik in the left corner..
GA is also where the international board of BEST is being elected and this year we have one guy from the Nordic countries running for a place in the board - Paal from Trondheim. :)
A pictures from the plenary at GA
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