Cultural Exchange, Leuven, March 2012
Belgium, a country of beer drinking french fries lovers, that they eat with clams was a positive surprise. Leuven ofcourse has their own beer, the famous Stella Artois. The beer that even the beer haters among the swedes gladly poured down the throats in the end of the week. The picture below is from a beer store that claimed they had every beer in Belgium, lets say that it was a few more shelfs than the one we see.
Beer was the word this CE hovered around. A stella was priced at one euro in the student bars, an irresistible price, we had a drafting class, a cantus (after all we were in belgium) and ofcourse a brewery visit. The brewery was located in the small town of Mechelen and was named something hard to spell. But they made beers like Gouden Carolus and Manblusser after a local cuffer. By the way, we had an awesome tour guide that appears on the pic below
A visit to Bruge was also on the schedule, nice city great day and all the belgian cities are all so damn cute.
Most days were spent in Leuven however, this student city with a vibrating nightlife from sunday evening to thursday. Yes you read right. In belgium all the students go home for the weekends to there parents to study we assume, because they partied like it was no day tomorrow the whole week. The student bars were plenty, but also the ordinary bars were ok, a stella was priced 1.7 euro....
However, everything wasn't all glamour and happiness, in Leuven it was the funeral for a lot of kids that died in a bus accident in Switzerland a few days before the CE started. Wasn't that Heverle you might say. Yes it was in the town of Heverle. But seriously, these belgians have a screwed up idea about when its one town or another, Heverle was at most a suburb to Leuven. We stayed in a house in Heverle less than 5 minutes with a bike from the old market in Leuven. So, in a swedish mind, the town of Leuven with a 90000 thousand inhabitants rather would be something like a few hundred thousands. Well thats if we not count Leuven as a suburb to Brussel since its only a 15 minute train ride center to center, hmmm.
Well underneath is a picture from the library, its more impressive from the outside, but it was so many cool buildings that we didn't care to take a picture. It was burnt twice by the germans and split once when they divided the university into two, so that the flamisch students wouldn't have to be friends with the french and vice versa. Makes sense right?
So, they built another city for the french ones, Louvain-la-neuve that also contains a BEST group by the way.
The swedish girls made some fools of themselves, once again :)
They got all nuts when we came to Vincents place. He had a really nice party crib in the middle of Leuven and posh homemade design like the tv-bar underneath, so I understand them a bit. But to scare the poor guy with asking him if its ok to bring the drunk food kebab to eat in his bathroom, since its so nice is on the borderline to crazyness. Well, I hope he will get over it...
Except that already have been written, check out the pics below, some nice houses, swedish dining and a pic on the really cool old market that also has europe longest bar, atleast according to the belgians.
Cultural Exchange with Nancy, Lund part
After almost a year and a half it was finally time for BEST Lund to host BEST Nancy. After a great CE in Nancy, their expectations was high. But since they made the lego here underneath, we think they were satisfied.
During the days we took them to Malmö there we visited the technical and natural science museum as well as the cold outdoor bath, which was very appreciated. During the week it was also a visit to Helsingborg and Helsingör as well as a city tour in Lund.
End of the BEST fall 2011 and a look into the spring 2012
The fall have been hectic but fun period, with events like pre- and post president meeting, WHIP-party, 20 years birthday party, the launch of the new homepage and so on.
The 20 years party which included a lot of alumni of the best group was a very fun two days event. The first night was a pub night, while it was a traditional student sittning during the saturday. The day of saturday was killed with some get to know games, socializing and talk about the development of BEST.
In the spring a lot of stuff will happen for the group in Lund. Next semester will take off with the organizing of the Lund local round of EBEC. EBEC is a european wide engineering competition. For an competing LTH student the event will look as follow, if lucky. First he/she wins the local round in Lund, which qualify them for the semifinal in Stockholm. In Stockholm teams from 10 of the nordic countries top universities will compete. From Sweden those universities are LTH, Uppsala, Chalmers and the hosts of the semifinal KTH. The winners will qualify for the european final.
More stuff that will happen for the BEST group is another organized WHIP-party, hopefully hosting a best-group from Nancy for a week. One week of cultural exchange in Leuven Belgium. And lastly preparing and organizing a summer course in Lund.
So for now, God Jul & Gott Nytt År
or we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year
Interested in BEST, next meeting will be as usual in Perstorp, Kårhuset 17.15. Thrusday the first week of classes.
A short update of the summer and fall 2011
First, we organized a very nice summer course in the first half of June. The course was about food technology and went under the name EAT ME!
Two weeks with a typical swedish summer weather, nice parties and lots of new friends.
In the beginning of September next big thing happened for us. We elected a new board.
At the same time we launched our new homepage, take a look, it's not all that terrible:
On the page you can find who got elected and pictures of most of the members, or the ones who haven't been to lazy.
We also shar some other information that could be a fun read.
This fall, have been a bit busy, we organized a great WHIP party with 700 people attending. After that we have hosted the working meeting for BESTs international board, before and after Presidents meeting that have been hold in Copenhagen.
PM, from two different sides :-)
A short look at the year 2010 in rear
We started the year of 2010 with a motivation weekend in Aalborg. Ten excited Lund members drove the five hours to Aalborg to meet with the local group and the BEST members from Copenhagen. In the weekend we both had a lot of fun and exchanged experiences and tips on how to work better with our tasks.
Back from Aalborg we organized our first Engineering competition at Lund University and was able to send two teams to NordBEC
The year before we had hosted one BEST group from Gliwicze in Poland and one group from Veszprem in Hungary as part of a three-way cultural exchange. And now it was time to check Veszprem out. 9 Members from the group in Lund headed to Hungary for an exciting week.
Right back from the Cultural Exchange, it was time for NordBEC. NordBEC was organized by the BEST group in Copenhagen but a few members from BEST Lund went south to helpout. After four days with engineering solutions it was sadly clear that neither of the Lund teams would go any further in the competition.
After NordBEC the organizational part for the group was on hold for a while. During the rest of the spring we did send delegates for GA or general assembly which is a big european meeting.
In the summer quite a few of the members went travelling through BEST and visited several cities around Europe, either as co-organizers or as participants.
In August it was time for the Lund summer course and we had 30 participants and 6 extra co-organizers here for two weeks.
Right after the course, it was time for a Board switch, Mia, David, Maria and Daniel left the board. While Patrik and Johanna decided to be part also of the new board but one different positions. Marie and Tobias joined them.
After this it was time for a new Motivation weekend, this time in Copenhagen, from foggy sources they think that a lot of good ideas came up, however they forgot to wrote them down. But, from somewhere a rumour was hanging around that the decision that Copenhagen would apply to organize Presidents meeting 2011 (which is an all europe event) with some help from its neighbours came up, and so got decide at PM 2010....
In the beginning of November it was time for the most exciting part of the fall, the Cultural Exchange with Nancy. 15 Lundies went to France for a week and had a lot of fun. As can be seen below.
After the Cultural Exchange we haven't done anything, except eating cookies. Btw what you have seen here it has been numerous small things that I'm to lazy to write here.
This spring we will organize:
A Cultural Exchange (in Lund this time) with Leuven and Nancy
(Hopefully) A regional meeting (Our application is being treated at the moment) Which is an event when all the nordic groups meets.
And in the beginning of the summer, a summer course.
Now, we all have exams, but on Saturday we will have a christmas party :)
October [update]
To prepare for the exams last week we had our thank-you party for the Summer Course. The people who had been organizers in the summer was cooked a delicious meal of the members who were unable to participate in SC. During the dinner we also finished off the leftover beverages from th SC before some of us went to Lunds nation while other decided to call it a night. Normally we try to have some pictures in the text, but we will let that part be up to your imagination this time.
During October we have also been putting a lot of effort into fund raising. Right now we have two events that we are fund raising for, first we are going to organize an Local round of the engineering competition NordBEC and have been contacting companies for sponsorship.
Secondly, we have written a grant application for our hosting part of the Cultural Exchange as we will have with Nancy and Leuven.
Right now, everyone in the BEST group is looking forward to our soon to come trip to Nancy. 15 members will drive to Nancy for a week of fun on friday. More about the cultural exchange will come when we are back in the beginning of November.
See you
BEST Lund Annual Meeting 2010
After a year full of activities it was once again time for the Annual meeting in BEST Lund to elect a new board and other positions.
ex-MissPresident Mia is opening the Annual Meeting
Coockies, cakes, coffee and lot of motivation in the room
Johana holding a speach about why she is running for president of BEST Lund
Full suppor for our new president! :)
The tradition in BEST Lund goes as for each position you get elected for you are allotted a beer.
The blond part of the new board celebrating
Congratulations BEST Lund!
NordBEC 2010
Count-down, case-study
Organizers, having lunch break
Uppsala, team design competition
If you want to see some livestreaming from the event, follow this link
And here is the official site, there you can read more about it
November, December
However, during the last few weeks quite many things have happened.
After the promotion at ARKAD we organized a small information meeting and engineering competition that attracted a dozen students from LTH. After the competition we had som food together and I hope all the people there enjoyed the night.
That weekend we also celebrated BEST Lunds 18 years birthday. We had a ¨sittning¨ at kårhuset, there we ate a splendid buffé.
And that's not all the partying, a few weeks ago we had a very fun tour de drinks, with the basic concept that every member served a drink and some snacks at their place. We ended the night at the crazy house-party that was thrown at vildanden.
Of course we have also done some work. At this time of the year its time to find a teacher for the next years summer course and to apply for some grants. We are also currently working on planning a motivation weekend together with LBG Copenhagen and LBG Aalborg.
We are also actively searching for a company to sponsor our engineering competition that will hopefully be organized during the spring. Our local engineering competition would be the first round of several, there its even possible to be the BEST engineering team in Europe by winning the european final.
If anyone have missed it, the application period for the spring courses are open until december 13th, apply on
Well, now its soon time for our Christmas dinner, so see ya around
Answers and Winners BEST-ARKAD-Quiz
(1) I vilken stad finns tavlan Mona Lisa utställd?
(2) Vilket land har flest insjöar även känt som de tusen sjöarnas land?
(Vår käre finne har fått ge efter, efter lite efterforskningar, varför två svar räknas som korrekta)
(3) I vilken stad finns vinterpalatset?
St. Petersburg
(4) Vad har Paris haft för tidigare namn?
(5) Från vilken stad är Arnold Schwarzenegger?
(6) Vilken av städerna ligger i ett land vars flagga har samma färger som sveriges?
(7) I vilken stad badade Anita Ekberg i en fontän i filmen ¨La dolche vita¨?
(8) I vilken stad föll skotten som startade första världskriget?
(9) Vilken stad har en världscupstävling i utförsåkning?
(10) I vilken stad arbetar tidsvis Marita Ulvskog?
I Rio de Janeiro finns det en känd Jesus staty. I Europa finns en kopia, var?
Sista frågan var inte del av poängberäkningen.
We had one person with a score of 10 points:
B. Sunesson
Your price can be picked up november 19 at 17.15 in Kårhuset, Hollywood
9 Points and a mention for the honor
L. Lundin
Emma ?
T. Barbas
G. Svebring
H. Truong
L. Melin
G. Pukys
L. Svensson
N. Alduhahi
Information meeting
When: September 15 at 18..
Where. Hollywood, second floor in Kårhuset
Sangria and Snacks afterwards
Autumn season!

Even though the summer has yet not fully arrived, it is for sure about time to think about the autumn, because now is the time to apply for BEST autumn courses.
This semester you can apply for 12 courses. You can find the list here:
and you have until the 7th of June to apply!
If you are interested in the courses but want to know some more, take a look at our homepage, where you might find the answers to some of your questions. Otherwise you are more than welcomed to contact us.

New design...

About editing the blog
To ensure that the text and pictures published are not offensive to anyone, the PR-team in BEST Lund will proof read the posts when they are published. However, we might not always have time to correct it immediately, or we will miss some, so if you want us to remove a text or a photo from the blog – send an email to us at lund(at) and we will take a look at it.
Have a nice day!
BEST Lund starts a blog!
This blog will bring to life what is going on in this most southern LBG in Sweden. This blog will answer your questions about:

- - how it is to be living the life as a BESTie?
- what is BEST?
- why do we eat so much cookies?
- and what makes that sangria so tasty?
So, enjoy your reading!