Cultural Exchange, Lund 2011
In the nights we had theme parties like swedish-, belgium night and sauna party together with ordinary eves at the student nations. It was a pleasure to have them all here, and now we will do as usual, here comes the pics.
Regional Meeting, Lund 2011
This spring we had 80 people arriving to Lund on the Thursday. We when went to a scout cabin in the Scanian country side. Well, during the weekend it was a lot of seesions and some trainings, but anyway here are the pics.
PATRIK!! don't play with the food
WHIP-Wild Huge International Party
And it was time again, for BEST Lund to organize WHIP. This time in Gasque-salen, which means bigger than in several years. Almost 500 tickets was sold before the party, which meant that it was 100 at the door. To handle all the people the group had gathered all its members and got an extra hand of some outside friends. 2 bars had to be open during the night and several other tasks should be carried out. But its quite boring to write about, so watch the pictures, and remember that it was once again an awesome party.
a delicious meal of BBQ chicken was served before the party
To learn how to handle the cash machines wasn't the easiest
Some pictures from the night
It looks like people had fun atleast
And some workers even had time to be photographed
This guy (the main organizer) seemed to have all the possible time this evening, he got a date, and he played air guitar all alone on the dance floor so often that a guy finally approached him and said " Man, I really like your style, to come here to a party all alone without any friends, but just so you know, I can be your friend"
Sara atleast was on here post while getting photographed
Some even worked (with a smile :)
And Jan, well Jan constantly worked as usual. Sometimes I even feel that he takes his responsibilities to serious. These guys just sneaked in to pee, but as you see
Patrik thought he had a middle name of 007 somewhere
Ok, those bastards look lazy, but they worked really hard, standing in front of the Carlsberg fridge and posing with a case even if we didn't sell any of that kind of beer.
BLuE - BEST Lund Engineering competition
The competition was held in Gasquesalen, Kårhuset on LTH:s campus and the BEST group had cooked moussaka to start the day with for both participants and other hungry students at the university.
The moussaka was a great hit and filled with energy the teams was informed about the competition. 3 hours of working time, rules, points etcetera.
The competition was on a basic level and the task was to build a boat that could carry an as heavy load as possible, from the same base of material.

The teams that was most succesfull was in following order:
1) Grabbarna Grus
2) Zero Space
3) Äh, hur svårt kan det va?
Be aware nordic, Lund has their team for NordBEC ready now!!!
Promoting BEST at ARKAD
If you did not find us, or if you are interested in getting more information about BEST and BEST courses, then you are welcomed to our information meeting next Thursday (19th of November). The info meeting will be in Kårhuset at 17.15.
There we will present you some short information about BEST and you will be able to take part in a small engineering competition. Afterwards we will have dinner and some sangria and you will be able to ask more questions about what we do.
Hope to see you there! :)
WHIP- Wild Huge International Party
During a rainy November friday night had the BEST group of Lund invited the international Mentors and their menteés for the semesters most crazy international party. The 300 tickets were sold out a week before and the party fulfilled the high expectations. For five straight hours was Lophtet in Lund a dancing, hot, steamy mass of people having a good time.
We will thank everyone who came and let us organize this event once again. Also a big thank you to everyone who worked and took their time to help us out.
over and out
BEST Lund Annual Meeting
Before the meeting we gathered for some food and when everyone was full we started the meeting. First we had two different proposals to take into consideration. The results of those were to make some minor changes in our membership guidelines and to change the board structure of BEST Lund. For years BEST Lund has had a board with three members and today, we changed this structure so that the board will from now on consist of 5 members.
After the proposals it was time for the elections! It was not very raffling, but most members got the post they wanted.
The following responsibilities were elected:
- President - Mia
- HR responsible & vice president - David
- PR responsible - Johanna
- FR responsible - Daniel
- Summer course responsible - Patrik
- Secretary - Jan
- Treasurer - Monica
- IT responsible - Emad
- Season coordinator - Johanna
- VIP responsible - Martin
The newly elected board - Daniel, Johanna, David, Mia and Patrik
After the meeting we celebrated for a while in the Student Union pub - PubLiten, but the party was suddenly over when the fire alarm went off in the building. Then we called it a night and went home.
And one last thing - congratulations to the newly elected members!
Safari at Kårhuset
So, with leaflets, posters, slide-shows with some music, a competition and a bunch of enthusiastic BESTies, nothing could go wrong.
David, Patrik and Pau ready to promote!
The competition
Besides the BEST information we had a geographical competition where we let the students guess the location of 10 cities in Europe. Provided a blind map with all cities with a local BEST group the students had to locate Lisbon, Riga, Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bucharest, Graz, Eindhoven, Brno, Torino and Ekaterinburg.The competition was quite hard.
Loads of students took part of in the competition, which proved to be a bit tricky. Nevertheless, 4 students managed to get 9 right answers. The winners will be announced by email in a short future.
If you are still curious about where the cities are located, you can find the right answers here. (Click on the map to make it bigger.) To check out all the different BEST groups - follow this link.
In total the day was a great success. We enjoyed it and we hope you did to. And remember that you are always welcomed to ask us any kind of questions, contact us or join us. If you are still not sure about who we are you should not forget to show up on the info meeting on Tuesday! :)
David demonstrating our monter.
Meeting - 3rd of September
During the meeting we mostly discussed about the upcoming Annual Meeting and about our recruitment campain that I hope you've seen.. ;) If you have missed us, you can stop by Safari next week and find us there.
After the meeting we worked on the recruitment materials and went out to put up posters in the different buildings of LTH. We also stayed for some nice pasta with meatballs since many of us where hungry after the meeting.
See you around!!
Want to join BEST?

Now its time for BEST's yearly recruitment campaign, which means that you can see us walking around campus.
We will have an information meeting on
Tuesday the 15th September at 18.00..
in the Hollywood room (Kårhuset).
We would be happy to see you there!
So, the question is.... what can BEST offer you?
Besides the obvious, like plenty of opportunites to discover Europe, great friends in Lund and the joyment of being in a student organisation. BEST can offer you so much more than most other local student organisations.
- If you want to improve your cv, we are here for you!
- If you want to have a huge amount of friends all around Europe, we are here for you!
- If you want to improve your english, we are here for you!
- If you want to grow as a person, we are here for you!
- If you want to have loads of fun, we are here for you!
- If you want to develop your inbound craziness, even at this time we are here for you!
It's maybe hard to realize, while only looking at the local group in BEST Lund, but BEST is a very powerful European student organisation with over 4500 active members.
It's possibilities everywhere. I can guarantee that it looks impressive to have been on the international board in the CV. Maybe some employers are impressed by just the local board and your involvement in a big student organisation.

If you are interested in developing your personal skills, BEST have internal trainings in most fields from fund raising and presentation skills to leadership and motivation. The trainings you can get as a BEST member is the same kind of trainings that companies can pay a huge amount of money for when wanting to train their employees.
If you only want some fun besides the studies, we are the place for you too. Almost every week we have something fun going on in the local group. The meetings on Thursdays often ends with a dinner together and hangout time in the pub nextdoors. Some nights we continue to the sauna or a nation afterwards. In the weekends we often organize some fun activity together, it might be bowling, a nature trip or a party.
On international level its always a lot of fun things going on. For a BEST members its possibly to travel around Europe and meet people that will take care of you and immediately take you to there heart during almost every week of the year. Events are always organized, some more fun than others.
If you want to develop your craziness, you have to meet us in person and we might tell you...
Meeting - 28th of May (Last meeting for the semester)
After the meeting we had a small workshop and discussed economy, mailing lists, future activities and of course the summer course.
Experience the BEST summer
If you would like to experience one of the BEST summers in your life, you should not hesitate to apply as co-organiser for the summer course! Check the information here.
Even though the spring semester at LTH is finished and even though we had our last meeting before the summer, it does not mean that the blog will be silent during the vaccations. We will be back during the summer with updates on the summer course plans, and the BESTies who stays in Lund during the summer will of course try to meet for some informal meetings, but at the moment there is nothing planned until the summer course in August. So, therefore, we want wish all of you a great summer! :)

The participants on the Cultural Exchange at St:Hans backar (Photo by Mario)
Want to organise a summer course with us?

- Did you ever wanted to experience a BEST course?
- But you never had the opportunity to go?
- Now we are offering you an opportunity to experience the BEST spirit at home here in Lund. This is a great opportunity to meet us and see what BEST is all about!
We are now looking for some happy and fun people who wants to help us with this years summer course!
The summer course takes place between the 7th - 22nd of August here in Lund and it will for sure be an unforgettable event! You will help us with parties, preparing food and taking care of the participants etc. If you would like to know more, check out our summer course page, where you can find all info on how to apply.
Meeting - 19th of May

We discussed a bit about the summer course schedule and now we have more or less set the schedule for the evening activities. Among the activities can be mentioned sauna party, viking games, sittning at a nation, trip to the Malmö festival, hippie party and of course we will end the summer course with one fancy Nobel dinner!
We also discussed upon the next RA - Regional Advisor - for the Nordic Region. A Regional Advisor is a person who should be in contact with the LBGs in the region and be aware of their situations and if they need any support. The Regional Advisor is also a link between the local groups and the International Board. This year there are three candidates for the position as RA - one guy (Elis) from Reykjavik and two people (Monica and Mehmet) from Trondheim. Each Nordic BEST group has one vote and during yesterdays meeting we decided upon which candidate to put our vote upon.
The CE is over!

We're looking forward to show yoou some more pictures from the CE and to share with you the stories of what happened, but we have to rest a bit first... and gather the pictures. :)
But stay tuned! :)
Cultural Exchange (Mid report)
LBG Lund is now a few days into the organizing part of this CE. So far the participants have climbed the wall of Kårhuset, had presentations of each country, experienced a wonderful barbeque at Sankt Hans backar and seen the most typical swedish traditions at the All Year Round party.
Yesterday BEST Lund used the CE as PR for the LTH students. The people that had applied for courses during the spring was invited for International Evening. A handful interested students decided to stay the whole evening, while a few others looked by for some time. Now, we hope that they all are motivated to go to their courses or continue in BEST depending on their purpose of attendance. We also want to say that you are all welcome again, it was great having you there yesterday. :)
At this moment the Polish and Hungarians are on a city rally in Lund. This means that they are divided in teams with several tasks to perform. In the meantime they get to see Lund and learn to locate themselves here. After the city rally there will be a visit to the museum kulturen. The day will later end with a ¨sittning¨ with Hippie theme.
This text will hopefully later be updated with pictures. For now you have to settle with a picture from the picnic in the botanical garden. One of our guests found the ducks very interesting and decided to see how close he could get..

Cultural Exchange (CE) in LUND

The participants stays at Lophtet the infamous building behind chemistry center. Lophtet was previous a pig stable, but has been a renovated and for the last decades it has been a party place for the Student Union at LTH.
During Tuesday night we welcome BEST-interested people to join us for the planned International Evening at Lophtet. If you are curious about us, what we do and want to get to know us, you are very welcomed to show up. However we would be glad if you could send us an e-mail on the address [email protected] to tell us that you will show up.

11 students accepted!

This is really good results and I hope that if you are accepted to a summer course - you will go and have as much fun as possible, because you will not regret going! :)
If you didn't get accepted, but still wants to experience a BEST summer course, you are more than welcomed to contact us and help us organising this years summer course in August. Organising is just as fun as participating - the biggest difference is that you can often sleep a little bit longer during the mornings.. :P

Group picture in Lundagård from the summer course in Lund 2007.
Reading applications
To find the energy for the work that should be done during the afternoon, we started out with having lunch together. When the plates were empty we sat down to select participants. Because the course is on intermediate level many applications were rejected due to the applicants lack of knowledge in the field. When this was done all applications were sorted by country and the group started to read motivation letters. From the beginning our course had 190 applications so it took a while to read through the letters even after the first round of rejections.

After a while every letter had been read and ranked between 1 and 5 by at least three people, we picked the top ones from as many countries as possible. However it was not so easy, so in the end we managed to prolong the discussions to the evening. The final list of participants will be shown through the BEST homepage later, after that our list have been compared with the other courses in Europe, due to that it is only possible to attend one BEST course during the summer course period.
When the discussions had ended a few BEST members stayed to discuss some more about the schedule for the upcoming Cultural Exchange. During a few days around walpurgis night (valborg) BEST Lund will host 20 besties from Gliwice in Poland and Veszprem in Hungary.
More is going to be discussed about this and a short meeting will take place on wednesday 15 April at 15.00 in Kårhuset. If you are interested in BEST Lund or have questions about the courses this summer you are welcome to show up, it will be besties there to take care of you :)
Meeting - 26th of March
After the meeting we had planned some food, so while most of us where having smaller meetings discussing the trip to Poland respectively Denmark, the remaining two people prepared the food, which we ate together in the kitchen. There we chatted and had fun together until after midnight. A lovely Thursday evening! :)

Next week 10 people in the group will go on a Cultural Exchange in Gliwice for a week and 7 people will go to Copenhagen during next weekend for the Regional Meeting. So in total 17 Lund BESTies will go travelling on BEST events right before Easter. :)
Of course we will tell you about it on the blog later...