Safari at Kårhuset

Today was the day for Safari at Kårhuset. It is the day when all the new students are presented to different student organisations and therefor it is the perfect place for promoting BEST!

So, with leaflets, posters, slide-shows with some music, a competition and a bunch of enthusiastic BESTies, nothing could go wrong.

David, Patrik and Pau ready to promote!

The competition

Besides the BEST information we had a geographical competition where we let the students guess the location of 10 cities in Europe. Provided a blind map with all cities with a local BEST group the students had to locate Lisbon, Riga, Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bucharest, Graz, Eindhoven, Brno, Torino and Ekaterinburg.

The competition was quite hard.

Loads of students took part of in the competition, which proved to be a bit tricky. Nevertheless, 4 students managed to get 9 right answers. The winners will be announced by email in a short future.

If you are still curious about where the cities are located, you can find the right answers here. (Click on the map to make it bigger.) To check out all the different BEST groups - follow this link.



In total the day was a great success. We enjoyed it and we hope you did to. And remember that you are always welcomed to ask us any kind of questions, contact us or join us. If you are still not sure about who we are you  should not forget to show up on the info meeting on Tuesday! :)


David demonstrating our monter.

Comments (1)
Emadwrote on 2009-09-10 @ 00:17:16

I couldn't show up due to conference!

But you did BEST like always ;-)

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