Valborg with BEST

Yesterday - the last of April - was Valborg (Walpurgis) when all students in Lund go down to Stadsparken early in the morning for a big, big party. BEST Lund usually meets up for this day and active members and alumnis (previous BEST members) get together for some nice time.. Here are some pictures from the last 3 years..

In 2006, the weather was rainy and cold, but neither the less, there was a lot of BEST spirit, especially due to our finnish visitors.

In 2007, BEST Lund was on a CE in Slovenia during Valborg, so we missed Stadsparken. But we got to see a kind of majeld anyway, and the relaxing part was also there, so it was actually perfect (we also heard that the weather in Lund was not as good as the weather we had in Ljubljana).

2008, the weather was lovely and we celebrated around our own special party tree (to the left on the small picture).

This year we went to Stadsparken together with our 20 guests from Poland and Hungary and it was a really lovely day. Pictures will however come later..
Comments (1)
Martinwrote on 2009-05-09 @ 01:49:40
Valborg, 2006, fight for a bottle of Minttuu...

Nice old memories :-)

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