Nature trip: The search for Ladonia

In the past BEST Lund has been quite good at going on nature trips around Lund and Skåne, so we decided to bring this tradition forward, gathered some people who had nothing else planned for a Saturday in the middle of May and headed north.
The day started with clouds and a lot of wind..

In total we were seven people who met at a rainy train station in Lund on Saturday morning. We headed for Kullen or Kullaberg in the north west of Skåne, where we planned to walk around in the beautiful landscape. Our mission was also to find the country of Ladonia, a place that is nowhere on the maps, with no signs, hard to find in an inaccessable terrain, but yet still invaded by tourists.

...but continued with a lot more sunshine.

We started of by heading to the lighthouse located on the very most western part of Skåne.

Random pictures on the way...

Taking a break and a well deserved food stop.

On our way east, we started the real search for Nimis and Ladonia, and after hours of walking and climbing rocks we finally found it.

It was all built of wood and nails that seemed to have been randomly put together.

Climbing a sculpture


BEST Lund President and the sculpture Arx

On the way back we got a bit lost and for a while we even lost the track of the road, but eventually we found it and arrived at the bus station perfectly on time for the bus! In total we measured our trip to about 17km - a bit more than planned, which our feet constantly reminded us of about afterwards, but overall it was a lovely day and a great trip. :)
Comments (1)
Elinwrote on 2009-05-24 @ 18:06:58
Great day!!! :)

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