Thank-you-party for the CE

Since we did a really great job with the Cultural Exchange and worked a bit more that we where planning, we of-course arranged a thank-you-party for the people who worked. So, after the meeting we planned a barbeque outside the Student Union, but we started up with playing some kubb and doing some after-meeting-work, before we lighted the barbeque.

Playing kubb outside Kårhuset

Jan playing kubb

Then we sat outside and had a good time with barbequed meat, pommes and a lot more. And we ate, drank, talked and held speaches. :)


BBQing... :)

When it got dark and every one had eaten as much as they wanted we went inside where we had a presentation about GA and ate some melon and ice-cream. The main organisers for the CE recieved a present for their good work - a small, fluffy pet. :)
Comments (1)
Elinwrote on 2009-05-22 @ 13:51:11
It was fun, but does anybody remember the name of the animal? Was it Hubert? Rubert? :)

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