A short look at the year 2010 in rear
We started the year of 2010 with a motivation weekend in Aalborg. Ten excited Lund members drove the five hours to Aalborg to meet with the local group and the BEST members from Copenhagen. In the weekend we both had a lot of fun and exchanged experiences and tips on how to work better with our tasks.
Back from Aalborg we organized our first Engineering competition at Lund University and was able to send two teams to NordBEC
The year before we had hosted one BEST group from Gliwicze in Poland and one group from Veszprem in Hungary as part of a three-way cultural exchange. And now it was time to check Veszprem out. 9 Members from the group in Lund headed to Hungary for an exciting week.
Right back from the Cultural Exchange, it was time for NordBEC. NordBEC was organized by the BEST group in Copenhagen but a few members from BEST Lund went south to helpout. After four days with engineering solutions it was sadly clear that neither of the Lund teams would go any further in the competition.
After NordBEC the organizational part for the group was on hold for a while. During the rest of the spring we did send delegates for GA or general assembly which is a big european meeting.
In the summer quite a few of the members went travelling through BEST and visited several cities around Europe, either as co-organizers or as participants.
In August it was time for the Lund summer course and we had 30 participants and 6 extra co-organizers here for two weeks.
Right after the course, it was time for a Board switch, Mia, David, Maria and Daniel left the board. While Patrik and Johanna decided to be part also of the new board but one different positions. Marie and Tobias joined them.
After this it was time for a new Motivation weekend, this time in Copenhagen, from foggy sources they think that a lot of good ideas came up, however they forgot to wrote them down. But, from somewhere a rumour was hanging around that the decision that Copenhagen would apply to organize Presidents meeting 2011 (which is an all europe event) with some help from its neighbours came up, and so got decide at PM 2010....
In the beginning of November it was time for the most exciting part of the fall, the Cultural Exchange with Nancy. 15 Lundies went to France for a week and had a lot of fun. As can be seen below.
After the Cultural Exchange we haven't done anything, except eating cookies. Btw what you have seen here it has been numerous small things that I'm to lazy to write here.
This spring we will organize:
A Cultural Exchange (in Lund this time) with Leuven and Nancy
(Hopefully) A regional meeting (Our application is being treated at the moment) Which is an event when all the nordic groups meets.
And in the beginning of the summer, a summer course.
Now, we all have exams, but on Saturday we will have a christmas party :)