Nordic Joint Board Training
Between the 8-12 October the board of LBG Lund went to Gothenburg for the event Nordic Joint Board Training. The nordic BEST groups have since some years back combined the trainings of their boards into one event. This year the event was held in Chalmers Sportstuga outside Gothenburg and could count in around 50 participants.
Trainers had been flying in from Romania, Belgium and Slovakia together with the local ones. The trainers had a big variety of trainings to fit everyones needs. It was possible to learn about Motivation & Leadership, effective meetings & facilitation, fund raising, PR, HR, knowledge transfer and much more.
During the Sunday each BEST group sat down with their own board to set up SMART goals and SWOT analyses for their groups and plan the upcoming year. Much time was also set aside to discuss and plan the first regional engineering competition what will be organised of LBG Copenhagen this spring.
Atleast the weather in Gothenburg is predictable
Trainers had been flying in from Romania, Belgium and Slovakia together with the local ones. The trainers had a big variety of trainings to fit everyones needs. It was possible to learn about Motivation & Leadership, effective meetings & facilitation, fund raising, PR, HR, knowledge transfer and much more.
During the Sunday each BEST group sat down with their own board to set up SMART goals and SWOT analyses for their groups and plan the upcoming year. Much time was also set aside to discuss and plan the first regional engineering competition what will be organised of LBG Copenhagen this spring.
Since BEST is a student organisation some time was also put aside to have fun. The lake next to Chalmers sportstuga and Swedens largest wooden heated sauna made the theme for one party. As what heard of the boardies of LBG Lund it was only one drawback during the event. It was to be in the same room as the danes during the Sweden-Denmark game or should we say, especially afterwards.