Answers and Winners BEST-ARKAD-Quiz
(1) I vilken stad finns tavlan Mona Lisa utställd?
(2) Vilket land har flest insjöar även känt som de tusen sjöarnas land?
(Vår käre finne har fått ge efter, efter lite efterforskningar, varför två svar räknas som korrekta)
(3) I vilken stad finns vinterpalatset?
St. Petersburg
(4) Vad har Paris haft för tidigare namn?
(5) Från vilken stad är Arnold Schwarzenegger?
(6) Vilken av städerna ligger i ett land vars flagga har samma färger som sveriges?
(7) I vilken stad badade Anita Ekberg i en fontän i filmen ¨La dolche vita¨?
(8) I vilken stad föll skotten som startade första världskriget?
(9) Vilken stad har en världscupstävling i utförsåkning?
(10) I vilken stad arbetar tidsvis Marita Ulvskog?
I Rio de Janeiro finns det en känd Jesus staty. I Europa finns en kopia, var?
Sista frågan var inte del av poängberäkningen.
We had one person with a score of 10 points:
B. Sunesson
Your price can be picked up november 19 at 17.15 in Kårhuset, Hollywood
9 Points and a mention for the honor
L. Lundin
Emma ?
T. Barbas
G. Svebring
H. Truong
L. Melin
G. Pukys
L. Svensson
N. Alduhahi
Promoting BEST at ARKAD
If you did not find us, or if you are interested in getting more information about BEST and BEST courses, then you are welcomed to our information meeting next Thursday (19th of November). The info meeting will be in Kårhuset at 17.15.
There we will present you some short information about BEST and you will be able to take part in a small engineering competition. Afterwards we will have dinner and some sangria and you will be able to ask more questions about what we do.
Hope to see you there! :)
Escaping the Swedish cold and going to Rome with BEST
Every year BEST arranges several of internal trainshops to improve the members of the organization in different areas. These usually last around one week and can for example have the focus on marketing and PR, fund raising and company relations or recruitment and motivation.
I’ve always wanted to go to Rome so when I saw that they were going to arrange the trainshop beRICHER there I decided to apply. After about a week I got the answer; I was accepted. beRICHER has a focus on fund raising and company relations. In simple words: how to get money for BEST Lund so we can afford to reach our goals.
Before the event I spent a couple of days in the warm Italian autumn sun and explored the beautiful Rome. Then I met up with 20 motivated BESTies, the organizing BEST group and the trainers for the event, in a little house in the mountains a bit outside of Rome.
There we stayed for one week and learned a lot about fund raising and how to cooperate with companies and the university. It was also very good for my personal development because we had trainings about presentation skills, negotiation, goal setting and a lot more. We also had time to have a lot of fun, visit Rome, great parties and eating delicious Italian food. So to sum up, It was a fantastic week!
Going on a trainshop is the perfect way of combining traveling, learning and meeting new people. So what are you waiting for???
Regional Meeting
There was nothing much on 23rd, it was just the arrival day and introduction. There were presentations from a few LBGs and Stockholm LBG had a presentation in a different way, they presented a surprise dance, since the theme for the RM was "Dance me away"!!! After that it was time for some get-to-know games. All paritcipants were divided into groups and there were lots of fun games for each group. Later on it continued with some drinks and party until all of us were tired.
Sleep is one thing you can never expect in any BEST event, but it's worth it, we have the whole life to sleep :) but BEST events come once a while. So, after going to sleep late at night or some of them even early morning, it was time to wake up and get ready for the sessions the next morning, 24th. The breakfast was at 8:30 am and sessions started at 9 am. There were different sessions going on parallely. I, being a new BEST member took the BEST Knowledge Transfer session. It was an interactive session where I got to know more about BEST, the activities that happen in BEST, the acronyms, RM (Reginal Meeting), PM (Presidents Meeting), GA (General Assembly), LBG (Local BEST Group), JBT (Joint Board Training), TS (Tain Shop) etc etc... All the way it was a great session where I had lots of fun and at the same time got to know about BEST. This was followed by a session EEC (External Events Committee) about organizing Local Engineering Competion (LEC). We were split into groups of 4 and our task was to plan and organize a LEC. Again it was a very interesting session and it gave us an idea of how to organize a LEC and what difficulties we might face during the event.
There were a few more sessions until the evening which were mainly disccussions. Then it was time for party again!!!! As said mentioned before, the theme for the RM was "Dance me away" and each LBG had to present a dance and all the other participants had to follow and dance accordingly. It was yet another fun filled BEST dance party, all of us danced the whole night, had lots of drinks and no one knew when we went to sleep, at least I don't remember when I slept, I remember only when I woke up the next morning, again pretty early, since we had few more sessions.
The next day 25th, again we had to gather for break fast at 8:30 am. It didn't matter even if it was sunday, you had to be there for the session, so not much sleep. There were sessions from the training groups, I attended a session on "presentation skills". This was one of the truly BEST sessions, I definetely improved my presentation skills and it gave me more confidence to face large audience and make a more effective presentation. This was followed by BEST session for all, in which there were presentations from different teams about some changes in the BEST activities. Later on in the evening, there was a workshop by the Fin-Team (Financial Team).
Unfortunately it was soon time for me to leave. It was such a pity that I could not stay on for the most awaited event, the International Evening. The International Evening is one of the BEST party night, you get to taste drinks from different countries and then the party is one of the most crazy parties ever. I still remember the International Evening during the BEST Spring course that I attended in France, simply superb and awesome.
It was sad but I had to leave. But I heard some crazy stories from Jens, that one of the main organizers was so drunk that he was almost naked :). Well, whatever happens at BEST stays at BEST, so no more details.
Overall it was a great event with lots of fun. Personally, I got to know more about BEST and I am now motivated to work more for LBG Lund. I also improved my personal skills, met many new friends and of course got a chance to visit Stockholm. That's what BEST is always about: travel around Europe, make new friends, have fun and parties every night, try something crazy and not to forget, there's always some learning involved. If you haven't been at BEST, then you are for sure missing something!!!
WHIP- Wild Huge International Party
During a rainy November friday night had the BEST group of Lund invited the international Mentors and their menteés for the semesters most crazy international party. The 300 tickets were sold out a week before and the party fulfilled the high expectations. For five straight hours was Lophtet in Lund a dancing, hot, steamy mass of people having a good time.
We will thank everyone who came and let us organize this event once again. Also a big thank you to everyone who worked and took their time to help us out.
over and out