Want to join BEST?

Now its time for BEST's yearly recruitment campaign, which means that you can see us walking around campus.
We will have an information meeting on
Tuesday the 15th September at 18.00..
in the Hollywood room (Kårhuset).
We would be happy to see you there!
So, the question is.... what can BEST offer you?
Besides the obvious, like plenty of opportunites to discover Europe, great friends in Lund and the joyment of being in a student organisation. BEST can offer you so much more than most other local student organisations.
- If you want to improve your cv, we are here for you!
- If you want to have a huge amount of friends all around Europe, we are here for you!
- If you want to improve your english, we are here for you!
- If you want to grow as a person, we are here for you!
- If you want to have loads of fun, we are here for you!
- If you want to develop your inbound craziness, even at this time we are here for you!
It's maybe hard to realize, while only looking at the local group in BEST Lund, but BEST is a very powerful European student organisation with over 4500 active members.
It's possibilities everywhere. I can guarantee that it looks impressive to have been on the international board in the CV. Maybe some employers are impressed by just the local board and your involvement in a big student organisation.

If you are interested in developing your personal skills, BEST have internal trainings in most fields from fund raising and presentation skills to leadership and motivation. The trainings you can get as a BEST member is the same kind of trainings that companies can pay a huge amount of money for when wanting to train their employees.
If you only want some fun besides the studies, we are the place for you too. Almost every week we have something fun going on in the local group. The meetings on Thursdays often ends with a dinner together and hangout time in the pub nextdoors. Some nights we continue to the sauna or a nation afterwards. In the weekends we often organize some fun activity together, it might be bowling, a nature trip or a party.
On international level its always a lot of fun things going on. For a BEST members its possibly to travel around Europe and meet people that will take care of you and immediately take you to there heart during almost every week of the year. Events are always organized, some more fun than others.
If you want to develop your craziness, you have to meet us in person and we might tell you...
Summer course week 2
So, during the second week the participants worked slightly more hours in school than during the first week to finish their presentations. The presentations was held during the thursday and the friday and overall the presentations was very good according to the professor.
During the second week the students also had one company visit there they could see how their new knowledge was used in practice. They were also showned the facilities of Lund University when it comes to laboratory facilities.

In the nights it was a second international evening, partcipants night, a Malmö trip there we all watched the live concert of the soundtrack of our lives. And finally the week ended with the fancy Nobel party.

Saturday was departure day and both organizers and participants was really sad that the course was so soon over. We in BEST Lund believe due to what we are told, that the participants had two great weeks. This will warm our hearts in this cold country during the rest of the year. Thank you all who participated in our summer course and see you guys somewhere in Europe :)
So, during the second week the participants worked slightly more hours in school than during the first week to finish their presentations. The presentations was held during the thursday and the friday and overall the presentations was very good according to the professor.
During the second week the students also had one company visit there they could see how their new knowledge was used in practice. They were also showned the facilities of Lund University when it comes to laboratory facilities.

Company Visit
In the nights it was a second international evening, partcipants night, a Malmö trip there we all watched the live concert of the soundtrack of our lives. And finally the week ended with the fancy Nobel party.

Malmö Day, Sinaida and Viktor trying out the attractions

Participants Night, Organicers where prepared for a worst case scenario, wearing ouverall

Nobel Party, the last supper

Nobel Party, the last supper
Saturday was departure day and both organizers and participants was really sad that the course was so soon over. We in BEST Lund believe due to what we are told, that the participants had two great weeks. This will warm our hearts in this cold country during the rest of the year. Thank you all who participated in our summer course and see you guys somewhere in Europe :)
Summer Course
Right now BEST Lund is performing its most important task. The summer course. Every year, every BEST group have to have an academic course. This years course in Lund is about biotechnology and the professor is Olle Holst.

29 participants and 4 co-organicer travelled to our wonderful city to meet 15 friendly and crazy Lund citizens. The arrival day was set to Friday August 7th so at the moment the course have been ongoing for a little over a week.
The weekend started without academic content and was instead used for teambuilding. Activities on the schedule was Lomma beach trip, Viking Party and a City Rally. During the city rally the participants both had the possibility to taste our delicious ice-cream as well as swim in Lundagårds fountain. Which was appreciated both by them and by the spectators.

The lectures started on Monday 10th and have been ongoing througout the week. Climbing, floorball and "brännboll" have been the activities for the evenings and great parties such as international evening, sauna party, 80's night the activities for the nights.
Sorry, but I have trouble rotating the pics.

When the first week was over of the course, the group changed location to a scout cabin outside Höör for the weekend. During the Saturday the weather wasn't the best, so the participants got a chance to have some well needed rest. In the afternoon a smaller engineering competition was organised. When the sunset came closer the preparations for All-Year-Round started with baking and cooking. All-Year-Round is a dinner where all swedish traditions during one year is presented and celebrated during one evening and includes everything from Christmas to Midsummer, from Easter to Lucia. Not even the "surströmmings" premiere was excluded.
On Sunday the weather was a bit better and while some of the organisers stayed to clean the cabin, the participants was hiking their way back to Höör. We also stopped for some swimming on the way.

Well, now it is time to start the second week, so
See you later alli.. ahh you know what it will say!

29 participants and 4 co-organicer travelled to our wonderful city to meet 15 friendly and crazy Lund citizens. The arrival day was set to Friday August 7th so at the moment the course have been ongoing for a little over a week.
The weekend started without academic content and was instead used for teambuilding. Activities on the schedule was Lomma beach trip, Viking Party and a City Rally. During the city rally the participants both had the possibility to taste our delicious ice-cream as well as swim in Lundagårds fountain. Which was appreciated both by them and by the spectators.


City Rally

Viking Party
The lectures started on Monday 10th and have been ongoing througout the week. Climbing, floorball and "brännboll" have been the activities for the evenings and great parties such as international evening, sauna party, 80's night the activities for the nights.
Sorry, but I have trouble rotating the pics.

Climbing on the wall of Kårhuset

80's night, but they look more like members of village people :)

International Evening

Austrian table

"Den lille and" (a typical dance from Denmark and the BEST group in Copenhagen), was taught in danish

Relaxation outside Lophtet
When the first week was over of the course, the group changed location to a scout cabin outside Höör for the weekend. During the Saturday the weather wasn't the best, so the participants got a chance to have some well needed rest. In the afternoon a smaller engineering competition was organised. When the sunset came closer the preparations for All-Year-Round started with baking and cooking. All-Year-Round is a dinner where all swedish traditions during one year is presented and celebrated during one evening and includes everything from Christmas to Midsummer, from Easter to Lucia. Not even the "surströmmings" premiere was excluded.
On Sunday the weather was a bit better and while some of the organisers stayed to clean the cabin, the participants was hiking their way back to Höör. We also stopped for some swimming on the way.

We took a swim during the hiking

The engineering competition
Well, now it is time to start the second week, so
See you later alli.. ahh you know what it will say!
European Engineering Competition [FINAL]
Later this fall LBG Lund will organize its first local engineering competition. This competition will be the first qualification round to the European final. Right now this years final are going on in Ghent, sadly without Swedish participitation. But here is a short introduction video.
The link is also find on the left side, under links.
You can also visit their website there you can read more about the competition and also watch a livestream.
The link is also find on the left side, under links.
You can also visit their website there you can read more about the competition and also watch a livestream.